系列081. 天堂未能滿足 part 3 = Heaven's Not Enough, part 3
0918-百聞不如 = In The Pudding e99999999w(神影)譯
Alt Text:知人知面(you think you know a guy)
標題出自“the proof of the pudding is in the eating”(布丁的證明吃過才知道)這句俗語,意思就是實際驗證比較重要
0919-秘密武器 = Secret Weapon e99999999w(神影)譯
Alt Text:只要向我保證,你無論去哪裡…帶著他一起(Just promise me, wherever you have to go . . . take him with you)
0920-不知我何時會歸來 = Don’t Know When I’ll Be Back Again
Alt Text:「好,再問一次,我們要去哪裡?」「去澳洲。」「那你在這裡做什麼?」「我要直接和貝莉說話。」「那卡里沙在這裡做什麼?」「他是唯一和塔羅講話的人。」「那我在這裡做什麼?」「因為我不想飛越大半個地球,卻只有我難以忍受的人同行。」「那達瑞在這裡做什麼?」「要護送洛克。」「那洛克在這裡做什麼?」「因為肯尼沒辦法賺到錢的話,他難以同意此行。」「那布魯斯在這裡做什麼?」「因為羅斯福不想要自己一個人來!」(“Okay, once more. Where are we going?” “To Australia.” “And why are you here?” “I need to talk to Bailey directly” “And why is Karishad here?” “He's the only one Tarot is talking to.” “And why am I here?” “Because I'm not going halfway around the world escorted by people I barely tolerate.” “Then why is Daryl here?” “To escort Rock.” “And why is Rock here?” “Because Keene was hesitant to approve this trip without making money off it.” “And why is Bruce here?” “Because Roosevelt didn't want to come by himself!”)
0921-蒙太奇力量 = Montage Power
Alt Text:決戰吧,進城吧,大鬧一番吧(showdown, going downtown you're gonna mess around)
Alt Text出自於網路動畫Homestar Runner,這不是第一次出現這玩意的哏了…
0922-荒蕪於荒漠之中 = Deserted In The Desert
Alt Text:你那頂帽子挺澳洲的(that's a very australian hat you got there)
0923-關於那東西的事 = The Thing About The Thing
Alt Text:喔,金恩,不需要通靈也看得出來的(Oh King, you don't have to be psychic to know that)
0924-二度暫停 = Time Out, Take Two
Alt Text:「我告訴妳妳也不會相信的!」「金恩,我被一隻藍鸛鳥給送到了這裡,還用魔法在打架。我覺得我能接受的。」「…有道理」(“You wouldn't believe me if I told you!” “King, I'm fighting with magical powers in the middle of the desert after being delivered here by a blue stork. I think I can handle it.” “. . . fair point”)
0925-圍繞著營火 = Round The Camp Fire
Alt Text:你得搞清楚,我還是隻貓的(You have to understand, I AM still a cat)
0926-試圖陳述的陳述 = The Trying-To-Express Express
Alt Text:金恩,那就是個拐彎抹角的方式表達「我們沒必要替那人工作」的意思 (Man King that's a roundabout way of saying “we don't need to work for the man”)
0927-夜裡的聲音 = Voices In The Dark
Alt Text:「真的?妳確定要我大聲講出來?」「…好吧,繼續傳訊」 (“Really? Are you sure you want me to say that out loud?” “ . . . okay, keep texting”)
0928-困於甜食之中 = Stranded In The Dessert
Alt Text:我們可以回城去,或者找一根超~級長的吸管 (We could go back to town OR we could get a veeeery long straw)
0929-乾杯 = Drink It Up
Alt Text:他們能從這些裡種出這麼美味的果子真是神奇(It's amazing they can grow such delicious berries from these)
0930-脫口而出 = Speak Easy
Alt Text:達瑞,不要再把吸管紙吹到那些感覺不到我們的神獸身上了(Daryl stop blowing soda straw papers at the demigods who can't perceive us)
0931-在濃厚的奶香之中 = Out Of Thick, Creamy Air
Alt Text:可爾貝洛斯不需要知道你在這裡,彼特(Cerberus doesn't need to acknowledge your presence, Pete)
0932-禮貌詢問 = Asking Nicely
Alt Text:喔,是啊,我是想了個辦法開個視覺玩笑(Why yes, I did go to the trouble for a sight gag)
0933-搖吧寶貝 = Shake It Baby
Alt Text:給我們非英語的讀者: “The pot calling the kettle black”(鍋說水壺黑)是用來表示一個人講了虛偽的言論。現在這笑話已經解釋過了,你可以放聲大笑了(FOR OUR NON-ENGLISH READERS: “The pot calling the kettle black” is an expression to denote someone making a hypocritical statement. Now that the joke has been explained, you are free to laugh heartily)
簡單來說,「五十步笑百步」的意思(鍋和水壺一樣黑),不過作者這樣直接寫在Alt Text裡,害我沒辦法用中文的方式來改寫了
0934-如一本好書所言 = As The Good Book Says
Alt Text:命運之書是個大約兩年前出現過的東西,如果你不懂的話,其實這也不重要。連慣性啦(The book of fate was a thing that appeared once like two years ago; if you don't get it, then it's not that important. CONTINUITY)
0935-白色空間 = White Space
Alt Text:今天沒有笑話,只有生於此世的悲傷(there is no punchline today, only existential sadness)
0936-混亂之雨 = Chaos Rains
Alt Text:我要假裝這是正常現象,因為這稍微對我有好處(“I am just going to pretend this is a normal occurrence because it has benefited me slightly”)
0937-討賞 = Consultation Prize
Alt Text:呃,那個是我的…這樣吧,我去拿另一個好了(Um, that's my . . . you know what, I'll just get another one)
標題是個文字遊戲,一般常見的詞是consolation prize(安慰獎)才對
0938-你選擇了… = You Have Chosen . . .
Alt Text:人類人生附贈一件吸煙外套(Human life comes with a free smoking jacket)
0939-…混沌不明 = . . . Fuzzy
Alt Text:*播放片尾曲,然後一陣扭曲的刮盤音*(*ending credits music, wacky record scratch*)
Alt Text有點難解釋,就是那種片尾曲開始播放,你以為要結束時,突然出現了這種音效,然後出了個意料之外的結果