系列072. 叢林也瘋狂 = Jungle Fever
0783-貓咪進城記(郊區) = Kitty In The City (Suburbs)
Alt Text:拜託,你想是什麼讓他那美妙的腹肌與眾不同的?(Come on, what makes HIS sweet pecs different from ANYONE ELSE'S?)
葡萄說的原文是"Hunk Sense",而花生的反應似乎以為葡萄在說的是"Hulk Sense"(浩克感官),所以糾正只有蜘蛛人才有Spider Sense(蜘蛛感官)
0784-放貓堵人 = Cat’s Out Of The Bag
0785-無山高可擋 = No Mountain High Enough
Alt Text:莎賓娜在大吃一驚時真可愛(Sabrina is so adorable when she's having a stroke)
標題出自歌曲Ain't no mountain high enough
0786-往事隨風去 = Letting Bygones Be
Alt Text:是的,第2格和第3格之間是一道貨真價實的文字牆,準備好你們的懶人包吧(Yes, it is literally a wall of text between panels 2 and 3. Get your tl;drs ready)
0787-蜂蜜、核桃和椰棗 = Honey, Nuts And Dates
Alt Text:你看起來像是個好女孩,所以我會以相對免費的價錢回答你的問題(You seem like a really nice girl, so I'll answer your question RELATIVELY free of charge)
隱藏文是出自網路Flash動畫Homestar Runner的台詞
0788-不是因為需要保護 = Not That It Needs Guarding
Alt Text:「狼」齒徒長無可避免,關心他人則可有可無(growing old is compulsory, caring what others think is optional)
0789-打造一場災難 = Engineering A Disaster
Alt Text:鉚釘項圈比較男性風格,但不太像是貓咪風格(The studded collar was manlier, but not convincingly cat-like)
0790-展現誠意 = Show Some Respect
Alt Text:下跪!教宗唯一認可的運動方式(Genuflex! The only exercise system endorsed by the pope)
0791-餐桌雜談 = Tabled Discussion
Alt Text:嘿嘿嘿,嗨~(HEH HEH HEH, HIIIIII~)
0792-誰能替這篇想出個標題啊 = How Does One Come Up With A Title For This
Alt Text:救命啊,男廁所有隻時髦花豹(help there's a fashionable leopard in the men's bathroom)
0793-你的每日一詞 = Your English Vocab For Today
Alt Text:我們這可算是忘年之交,是吧(robbing the cradle a bit there, are we)
0794-失血過多 = Blood Loss
Alt Text:這是福拉迦家族代代相傳的爆衣藝術!(The art of sport coat explosion has been passed down the Feraga family line for generations!)
0795-訂婚之詞 = Terms Of Engagement
Alt Text:給那些只懂日本動漫哏的人,把最後一格換成「啊啾!」*噴嚏*(For those of you who are only familiar with Japanese media, replace the final panel with: ACHOO! *sniff*)
0796-買單,謝謝 = Check Please
Alt Text:「我認真的,我剛剛躲著的時候一直在想『妳知道嗎?要是沒有那些戲劇性爆衣的話,我其實可以解釋一切的』」(“Be fair, I WAS thinking 'you know I could have explained all of that without the dramatic buildup' the entire time I was hiding”)
0797-時事哏2:電動機械舞 = Topical Humor 2: Electric Boogaloo
Alt Text:所以逼婚就是指第一個搶到前座的人就可以抱走新娘(so a shotgun wedding is where the first person who calls shotgun gets to be the bride)
電動機械舞(Electric Boogaloo)出自舞蹈電影Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo,因為該片爛到無以復加,它的副標題被人拿來當做調侃爛續集的用詞,所以一定是接在有「2」的標題後,因為Housepets已經有Topical Humor一次,這一篇是2
逼婚英文稱shotgun wedding,字面上是「散彈槍結婚」,而你搶車子前座的行為稱作calls shotgun「呼叫散彈槍」,兩者被作者聯想在一起了
0798-法庭之戰 = Fight Court
Alt Text:老爸常說,要是你想玩國際法律,那就交些大朋友(Dad always said, if you're going to upend international law, make some big friends)
0799-來電等待 = Call Waiting
Alt Text:相信我,她什麼事都能處理,我把她獨自丟在家6個月也不用擔心她!(Believe me, she can handle ANYTHING. I can leave her home for six months and I don't have to worry about her!)
0800-空白之間 = Empty White Room
Alt Text:我希望是妳送我花,不是把花種我身上!(I asked you to bring me daisies, not push them up!)
0801-有人被拖去埋了 = Somebody’s Getting Buried
Alt Text:你可以看得出來他主修新聞的,因為他用了那些沒必要的押韻(You can tell he majored in journalism because of the unnecessary alliteration)
0802-上個世代 = Ages Ago
Alt Text:那你們怎麼不用電子郵件?(Why didn't you just use e-mail?)
0803-老鼠吉明尼 = Jiminy Mouse
Alt Text:這建議很棒,只要忽略那些人身攻擊和爛的部份!(It's great advice, just cut out all the personal attacks and bad advice!)
0804-婚禮亂入者 = Nuptiae Interruptae
Alt Text:是不至於到那種程度,但事情基本上就是那樣!(Not that it would get that far, but it's the principle of the thing!)
0805-驚嘆 = Le Gasp
Alt Text: O.O
系列072½. 2013 萬聖節 = Halloween 2013
0806-萬聖節插曲 = Halloween Interlude
Alt Text:弗克斯你應該要當路易吉的,結果你現在什麼也沒穿(Fox you were supposed to be Luigi, now you're just naked)
0807-文化的差異與雷同 = Cultural Differences, Similarities
Alt Text:在我們國家福拉迦,玩笑話會--*拖走*(IN MICRONATION OF FERAGA, JOKE TELLS--*bricked*)
0808-預先計畫 = Planning Ahead
Alt Text: *緩緩關門* (*slowly closes the door*)
說到丟沙包,也許你會想到Arc 63. Temple Crashers裡That’s Tragedy!這篇出現的某種東西...
0809-我們提供蛋糕和潘趣酒 = Cake And Punch Will Be Served
Alt Text:而葡萄像濕抹布般滑落沙發下的花生身上(And Grape slumps off of the sofa onto Peanut like a soggy rag)
0810-我超愛婚禮 = I Just Love Weddings
Alt Text:這種事情當然是發生在那池子裡真的有水的那一天(Of COURSE it happens to be the ONE DAY they actually have WATER in the pool)
如果看不懂莎賓娜的反應和隱藏文的話,請回顧三年前Arc 33. Theme Park World的篇章In Bed,另外謬頓家的泳池平常也不裝水的…
0811-遠景 = Marco
Alt Text:咕嚕(blurpl)
0812-手牽手 = Hand To Hand
Alt Text:喔,不對……那是不可能辦到的!(Oh, wait... I guess they can't!)
0813-二重泡沫麻煩 = Double Bubble Trouble
Alt Text:為了增加緊張感,試著閉氣到下一篇更新為止(To make the scene more exciting, try holding your breath until the next update)
0814-濕毛大競賽 = Wettest Fur Contest
Alt Text:在此向那些對正當急救程序有意見的人道歉(my apologies to everyone who can't agree on what the proper resuscitation procedure is)
0815-杯盤狼藉 = Sheer Carnage
Alt Text: 這下他們拆不到禮物了…你需要廚房剪刀嗎?(They never got around to opening their present . . . you need any baking shears?)
0816-兒女情長與公事公辦 = Blue Lines And Red Tape
Alt Text:我是說,那很酷。我敢說…聞貓?…一定讓你很滿足(I mean that's cool and all. I'm sure . . . sniffing cats? . . . is very fulfilling for you)
Blue Lines指親吻,而Red Tape指的是公務程序,翻譯得不好就算了…(眼神死)
0817-必然的必然 = Certainty Certainly
Alt Text:我剛剛是說放心嗎?我的意思是…放心…面對…範式轉變…?(Did I say comforting? I meant . . . conforming . . . to . . . a paradigm shift . . . ?)
0818-臨別贈言 = The Tarmac Gambit
Alt Text:只要你相信的話,寶貝(Only if you believe in it, sweetie)
0819-放縱的勝利,還有肚子也是 = Unbridled Victory, Also Abdominal Wall
Alt Text:舉起一半總比那玩意直接壓進你的胸膛,讓你被迫求救於你的健身教練好上無限倍 (Half a rep is infinitely better than it digging into your chest until you finally yell for your spotter)
0820-角落裡的貓 = Kitty Cornered
Alt Text:還是說,是真的?!(Or did I?!)
嗯嗯...Kitty Corner指的是斜對角,不過跟其他很多字面解釋的標題一樣跟內容沒什麼關係